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Digital Marketing

Three Ways to Increase Customer Engagement

We hear the phrase “customer engagement” often, but what does it mean and how do you, as a brand, get some of that engagement?  Engagement comes from an emotional connection made between consumers and a brand. This connection is what ultimately leads to a positive experience. Offering high-quality customer service builds the bridge to highly engaged and loyal customers that…
January 6, 2021
Digital Marketing

3 signs its time for a new marketing strategy

Having a marketing strategy for your company is business 101. Otherwise, how is anyone supposed to know your business exists? Too many businesses put marketing last on the priority list and never commit to creating a brand voice. But if you a business that actively markets and advertises, reviewing and adjusting that strategy in a timely manner is important too.…
December 1, 2020
Digital Marketing

Should you switch marketing agencies? 3 Signs it’s time

Partnering with a marketing agency is a good idea for any business, small or large. It allows the business owners to focus on running their show, while a trusted partner manages the marketing and advertising budget. A good agency adds value to a brand and in many ways becomes an extension of that brand. But as in any relationship, complacency…
October 31, 2020
Digital Marketing

Retargeting Mistakes to Avoid

  Site retargeting (remarketing) is a helpful marketing tool that increases website traffic and brand recall. This is done by delivering ads to people who have previously visited your website but did not convert. Visitors that are retargeted return to your site more often than those that aren't. By avoiding the mistakes below, you can maximize your retargeting success.  …
August 20, 2020
Digital Marketing

Marketing Lingo. What Does It All Mean To You?

You’re a smart and busy business owner. You know you need to market and advertise your business, but it’s hard to get a plan together when you’re so busy every day running the show. When you finally carve out some time to get in front of an advertising rep, he or she extols the benefits and virtues of the communications…
June 20, 2019