Marketing strategy is the cornerstone of any advertising campaign and should be clearly defined. You could have an unlimited budget and still fail. “Hoping” something sticks is one approach, but it’s ineffective and costly. Integrity Media is a New Jersey marketing strategy company that does all work based on information. Web design. Digital marketing, TV advertising. We do it all using a mix of tactics suited best for your needs. Our New Jersey marketing strategy company is a leader at integrating new media with traditional media, a proven, winning combination, to get your message the highest potential reach.
“If you’re not Thinking ahead with your marketing strategy, you’re already behind” -- Angelo C Fiouris, President, Integrity Media
50% of organizations say they do have a track record of project success.
The 3 root causes of project failure are inconsistent execution, lack of continuous team improvement and poor scalability.
Goal-setting marketers are 376% more likely to report success.
70% of the most organized marketers achieve their goals. –CoSchedule
“Show me the money.” -- Jerry Maguire
Media planning is part of success, no matter where you are. Because whether you’re on the other side of the globe or here in New Jersey, Integrity Media is here for you. Marketing strategies need insightful guidance and sound budgeting in order to be effective. So, our New Jersey internet media planning team provides ideas according to your budget, while never compromising performance. After all, when it comes to money, clear communication is key. Therefore, our approach to managing your advertising spend is guided by integrity, (we chose our name for a reason!), transparency and honesty, with a strong focus on value ROI. Ensuring our role as your trusted media planning and marketing advisors.
“47% of projects fail due to the lack of defined project objectives and milestones.” -- PMI
Our New Jersey advertising agency generates a natural progression from the overarching vision of the strategy to the planning and execution phase. This is where the rubber meets the road with lofty ideals transforming into actionable and measurable steps. We break down the strategy into operational steps, so we can get moving towards success. The beauty is, everything we create is in partnership and with full transparency. Lastly, our New Jersey advertising agency routinely provides updates on project progress, monitors traffic along the way, and identifies trends to help inform our next moves.